Thursday, February 14, 2008

Obligatory Valentine's Day Post

Hello, and Happy Valentine's Day to you, dear readers! I hope that no matter where you find yourselves--single, married... or somewhere in between, that you have had a good.... Day. :)

I have always found myself to be a bit ambivalent about this particular holiday. It seems to me that while the idea of a day for expressing love and caring seems nice, the attendant pressure to do so--as well as buy gifts and cards to somehow "prove" those declarations--takes a lot of the fun (and meaning) out of the whole idea. And if we need to be reminded to express those feelings, then doesn't that speak to a much larger issue that one greeting-card-holiday will never be able to fix?

Zefrank proposes an interesting "Judgement Day" idea in his short Valentine's rant.

Maybe if Valentine's Day worked like this, we would all take a little bit more time for our relationships. Maybe we wouldn't stay in bad ones... And, just think of it--February 15th would by default become a sort of "new blood for the dating pool" kind of day. I'll bet is already working on this... ;)

Personally, I had a pretty great day today. I usually take Valentine's Day off from work when I am single, so that I can treat myself to a fun day, and today was no exception!

Now I'm off to catch a movie. Hope you are doing something fun too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey SG!

Yeah I agree, even when I wasn't single I found Valentine's Day quite annoying because you had to book 12,903 years in advance.

Every day should be special with your partner and you should never feel prompted just because it's a certain "day".

If you're partner doesn't do enough "special" things for you on the remaining 364 days of the year then maybe he really doesn't think you're that special!