Saturday, March 1, 2008

Dance Lessons

Last night I got together again with my wine-women friends. We had a great time getting to know each other better, and tasting Cabernets. I feel like I am really beginning to appreciate the different nuances of the wines. And I have discovered 3 or 4 over the last couple of months that I would definitely buy again.

As has become our custom, after enjoying some wine, food and conversation, a few of us ventured on to a nearby nightclub, for some dancing. During the course of the evening, as I walked to the bar for some more seltzer, or to the ladies' room, I would be met with much eye contact and apparent interest from the men standing about, but not once did anyone initiate a conversation or ask me to dance... Maybe it was just a slow night. But I am fairly new to the nightclub scene, so I'm wondering if there is some sort of trick to this... It was so different at the singles dance! Maybe because people can be pretty sure you're "single and looking" at an event like that? Anyone know how this works?

Regardless, I had a great time dancing with my girlfriends to a few songs. :)


Anonymous said...

Can't help you with any meaningful clubbing advise as it was never really my thing (couldn't dance, wasn't much of a drinker), but I wonder if you suffer from the same thing my sister does: being too intimidating to blokes?

I know my sister takes pride in her appearance, so that even when she's dressed casual my mates have had the tendency to drool and stare for prolonged periods (can be quite embarrassing). In fact a couple of weeks ago my friend Mark tried to have my sister tag along on a night out with us and he couldn't believe that she turned him down because she said she'd have to get ready!?

"Girl, you like mighty fine as you are right now!" he said, perplexed that she'd need to make herself even more beautiful?!?!?

Yep... blokes just don't get it.

Maybe that's what happened on the night you went out... guys were having too much fun staring! ;o)

single grrl said...

LOL! Thanks Ryan. :)